100 Soal Bahasa Inggris Question Tag dan Kunci Jawaban

Seperti yang telah kita pelajari sebelumnya, Question Tag adalah pertanyaan pendek yang terletak di akhir kalimat. Fungsinya adalah untuk mengajak lawan bicara menyetujui pernyataan kita. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, Question Tag bermakna “ kan, bukan/iya kan, yuk , dong”.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Question Tag dan Kunci Jawaban

100 Soal Bahasa Inggris Question Tag 

Untuk membuat Question tag, tentunya ada aturan-aturan tertentu. Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan baca aturan-aturan membuat question tag. Nah, jika kalian sudah memahami aturan question tag, sekarang kerjakan 100 Soal Bahasa Inggris Question Tag berikut ini ya. Jangan khawatir karena soal sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawabannya.

1. They aren't my actor, .... ?
2. I have nothing for their have dinner, ....?
3. Syahrul has gone to many beautiful places, ...?
4. Maya wanted to buy shoes, ....?
5. Nothing comes free, ....?
6. People like playing football, ....?
7. She met nobody in her house, ....?
8. Don't join in this meeting, ...?
9. Leave him alone, ...?
10. Corruption can be stopped soon, ....?
11. Drugs is a dangerous thing, ....?
12. She won't meet us soon, ....?
13. Somebody is waiting for you, ....?
14. Some of them knew us, ....?
15. Everyone welcomes the new year, ....?
16. Let's do everything together, ....?
17. They agree with you, ....?
18. We shan't make you jealous, ....?
19. None of them allowed us to join the agenda, ....?
20. The hikers have been too long in the mountain, ....?
21. Mount Merapi destroyed many places again, ....?
22. Natural disaster hadn't taken our money and energy, ....?
23. Don't give up, ....?
24. Tornado killed many people and destroyed everything, ....?
25. Every problem has many solutions, ....?
26. Fishing was your activity yesterday, ....?
27. The beggars got nothing, ....?
28. Give us some help, ....?
29. There is nothing to do, ....?
30. Let's answer these questions easily, ....?
31. Everyone is dizzy, ....?
32. Everything is ready, ....?
33. No one is perfect, ....?
34. Nothing was ours, ....?
35. Somebody does something in somewhere, ....?
36. Her uncle will have been working at factory, ....?
37. He could do it, ....?
38. I will go if you go home, ....?
39. Let's speak loudly, ....?
40. Few man came there last night, ....?
41. The rich woman will help the poor woman, ....?
42. I am smart student, ....?
43. Antony puts dictionary in his bag, ....?
44. Let me sit beside your frien, ....?
45. She's been tired, ....?
46. He'd forget it, ....?
47. Everyone does it, ....?
48. He was upset, ....?
49. Your sister would be jogging tomorrow morning, ....?
50. Your father and your mother were very glad, ....?
51. Speak English, ....?
52. Don't speak Javanese, ....?
53. Do what he can't do, ....?
54. What you say is nosense!, ....?
55. I always make you happy, ....?
56. His father will go abroad, ....?
57. No one cut the cake, ....?
58. Everything is needed, ....?
59. She hardly ever visited her parents last month, ....?
60. Don't let her tempt your darling, ....?
61. Yours is mine, ....?
62. Your mother will come there soon, ....?
63. You could do this duty seriously, ....?
64. A few children get many experiences, ....?
65. I need little milk today, ....?
66. A man is sitting alone under the tree, ....?
67. His brother will be sad if he is failed, ....?
68. The woman who insulted her last night has regretted, ....?
69. Everybody knows him, ....?
70. His name is John, ....?
71. The football was exciting, ....?
72. That is a bad book, ....?
73. A naughty girl often persuades him, ....?
74. She is visited by him every Sunday, ....?
75. He would forgive them, ....?
76. She would be better learn English before going to England, ....?
77. He would rather stay at home than go to Jakarta, ....?
78. He had had what you had, ....?
79. She would have had a new car if she had won the competition, ....?
80. They've been working for years, ....?
81. Someone was crying, ....?
82. In 2005, Mrs Anita taugh us English, ....?
83. Your name is Egy, ....?
84. Intan is her name, ....?
85. Her son will help her tonight, ....?
86. You've just received a letter from him, ....?
87. I have to struggle hard, ....?
88. He buys a book, ....?
89. I study hard, ....?
90. Many children are discussing, ....?
91. She gets much money, ....?
92. She is able to go home, ....?
93. They are going to give us spare time, ....?
94. My uncle has never been abroad before, ....?
95. He has repaired his car, ....?
96. My pussy cats were dating, ....?
97. Don't make confused !, ....?
98. We aren't losers, ....?
99. Nothing gets into my room, ....?
100. Nobody has right to hurt somebody else, ....?

Download Soal Bahasa Inggris Question Tag

Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris Question Tag 

Berikut ini adalah kunci jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris Question Tag yang dilengkapi dengan keterangan.
1. are they
2. do I
3. hasn't he
4. didn't she
5. does it
6. don't they
7. did she
8. will you
9. will you
10. can't it
11. isn't it
12. will she
13. aren't they
14. didn't they
15. don't they
16. shall we
17. don't they
18. shall we
19. did they
20. haven't they
21. didn't it
22. had it
23. will you
24. didn't it
25. doesn't it
26. wasn't it
27. did they
28. will you
29. isn't there
30. shall we
31. aren't they
32. isn't it
33. are they
34. was it
35. don't they
36. won't he
37. couldn't you
38. won't I
39. shall we
40. did they
41. won't she
42. aren't I
43. didn't he
44. will you
45. hasn't she
46. wouldn't he
47. don't they
48. wasn't he
49. wouldn't she
50. weren't they
51. will you
52. will you
53. will you
54. will you
55. don't it
56. won't he
57. did they
58. isn't it
59. did she
60. will you
61. isn't it
62. won't she
63. couldn't you
64. don't they
65. do I
66. isn't he
67. won't he
68. didn't she
69. don't they
70. isn't it
71. wasn't it
72. isn't it
73. doesn't she
74. isn't she
75. wouldn't he
76. wouldn't she
77. wouldn't he
78. hadn't he
79. wouldn't she
80. haven't they
81. weren't they
82. didn't she
83. isn't it
84. isn't she
85. won't he
86. haven't you
87. don't I
88. doesn't he
89. don't it
90. aren't they
91. doesn't she
92. isn't she
93. aren't they
94. has he
95. doesn't he
96. weren't they
97. will you
98. are we
99. does it
100. do they

Itulah 100 Soal Bahasa Inggris Question Tag dan Kunci Jawaban yang bisa saya bagikan. Silahkan berkomentar jika ada yang ingin ditanyakan :)


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