Contoh Kalimat Participle as The Adverb in The Adverb Phrase

Participle as the adverb in the adverb phrase

Participle as the adverb in the adverb phrase

Present Participle dan Past Participle bisa digunakan dalam Adverb (keterangan) dalam bentuk Adverb Phrase. Present Participle dan Past Participle menunjukkan makna : cause (alasan), result/effect (hasil), manner (cara), condition (syarat) dan menunjukkan time (waktu) seperti before (sebelum), after (setelah), when (ketika), while (sementara/sambil), since (sejak).

1. Participle yang menunjukkan sebab (cause)

Contoh :
                Adverb Clause
* Because Hasna doesn’t continue her study at a university, she takes a language course.
                Adverb Phrase
   Not continueng her study at university, Hasna takes a language course.
(Karena tidak melanjutkan ke perguruan tinggi , Hasna mengambil kursus bahasa)
                Adverb Clause
* Since Angga was not accepted to work abroad, he tried to run his own business.
               Adverb Phrase
  Not accepted to work abroad, Angga tried to run his own business.

               Adverb Clause
* As Mr. Bill was elected the chairman of the conference, he didn’t have much time to sleep.
             Adverb Phrase
   Elected the chairman of the conference, Mr. Bill didn’t have much time to sleep.

2. Participle yang menunjukkan hasil (effect/result)

  Contoh :
* Dimas rode his motorbike quickly so that he got an accident.
Dimas rode his motorbike quickly , getting an accident.
(Dimas naik motor kencang sehingga kecelakaan)
* A thief tried to escape from the police, shot on leg.
(Pencuri mencoba kabur dari polisi sehingga ditembak di kaki)

3. Participle menunjukkan cara (manner)

  Contoh :
* Dropping the tears, Paula tries to fool everyone. (Dengan meneteskan air matanya, Paula mencoba membodohi semua orang)
* Singing from door to door, that oldman earned money for his living.
* The frightened child entered his first day at school, accompanied by his mother on his chair. (Anak yang ketakutan itu masuk hari pertama sekolah dengan ditemani oleh ibunya duduk di bangkunya)

4. Participle menunjukkan syarat (condition)

Contoh :
* Spent wisely, your salary will be enough for your life a month. (Jika dibelanjakan dengan bijak, gajimu akan cukup untuk biaya hidupmu satu bulan)
* Having enough savings, she will take a tour around the world. (Jika mempunyai tabungan yang cukup, dia akan bertamasya keliling dunia)

5. Participle yang menunjukkan waktu (time)

  Contoh :
* Taking of his clothes, Adit jumped to the pool for swimming. (Setelah melepaskan bajunya, Adit melompat ke kolam untuk berenang)
* Reading the instructions, father turned on his new TV.  atau
   Having read the instructions, father turned on his new TV.
* Doing some work, she always prays. (Sebelum melakukan pekerjaan, dia selalu berdoa)
* Coming back from working abroad, that youngman often behaves strangely. (Sejak pulang bekerja dari luar negeri, pemuda itu sering bertingkah aneh)
* When interviewed for his new job, he was not very confident. atau
   Interviewed for his new job, he was not very confident. (Ketika diwawancarai untuk pekerjaan barunya, dia tidak begitu percaya diri)

Itulah Contoh Kalimat Participle after Adverbs in The Adverb Phrase yang bisa saya bagikan. Semoga bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Oh ya guys, Bentuk-bentuk Participle juga penting loh untuk diketahui.

Trima kasih.


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